
Happy Basset Hound Owner Testimonials

From Montana:

Dan, We couldn’t be happier with our 2 pups. They are doing great here in Montana. They are a big hit around here. Thanks, (picked them up in my plane last December in Lafayette).

Tim B.

From Indiana:

HI Dan,

I wanted to wait for a week to see how things are before I let you know about our pups. We are thrilled to report that these pups adore each other! [As you can see in the photo] Claude is now 4 months old and Dolly was 8 weeks old when we picked her up from you a little more than a week ago. Our 9 year old lab Quincy has been a wonderful big brother and only gets involved when he worries that Claude is being rough—which he never actually is. We have had zero aggression from any of our dogs.

From the moment we brought Dolly home this has been hilarious! These dogs adore each other. They sleep together, play together, and only are separate to eat. Dolly saw the vet on her second day with us and was found to be 100% healthy and happy. She weighed in at a perfect 9 pounds.

I am so happy and blessed to have these wonderful pups. Bassets are loving, friendly, and smart dogs. We took them to the park yesterday and they kissed and snuggled with countless little kids who ran to meet them.

Thank you for all you do–for the care and devotion with which you raise these wonderful pups!

Amy and Marty N

From Indiana

Hi, Dan! Just sending a couple of great picture`s of our Lizabeth Anne (no longer a runt of the litter). First picture is looking pitiful for a treat and the second one is dancing with some friends to Rock and Roll (check out her ears)! Thanks for providing us with such a great puppy with personality plus!!. Lizabeth is a big star at her Daycare, Barkefellers in Indianapolis. They have used her for many pictures on their website. You are right about her hair coat. The coloring is beautiful and the coat has always been so shiny…just like her personality plus. Blackie and Samuel Long Ears would be very proud! Best wishes always to you and your family,


Donna St

From Illinois:

Hi Dan. Louise P here. Nice to meet you yesterday. Just wanted you to know how well adjusted this little sweetheart of a puppy is. She confidently met her new home, explored and made herself at home. And my little 18 mo old granddaughter?… the puppy follows her around like she’s the Queen of England. Quite a cute pair. She’s a beautiful addition to my new life. Thanks, you’ve raised a lovely puppy…

2 days later…..Dan. I absolutely love this precious pup.

From Michigan:

Hi Dan,

I just wanted to let you see two of your pups. The one on the left is Daize Mae from your March 16, 2016 litter. She is a big girl and still growing. The one on the right is Hank from your July 7, 2013 litter. He was the runt, but has grown nicely. They are buds. They are great companions. Thank you for two great pups.

Take care.


From Indiana

Hi all!! We too picked up our pup: one of Lemon Drops boys. He is wonderful and our Claude is sweet and smart! Dan does an amazing job and I’m now on the list to give Claude a little sister soon! We live in Laporte an hour away so are very lucky in that once we picked our pup Dan was so wonderful and allowed us to visit weekly! This is truly the best way to get a beauty of a pup who is so smart and healthy!

Thanks again Dan!

Amy N

From Rhode Island:

Hi everyone! Wes, I can not agree with you more! My boyfriend Casey and I picked up our lemon and white male pup yesterday morning and drove all the way from Rhode Island (14.5 hour drive) we’re making our way back tonight and our little guy has been amazing in the car for such a young pup! You can tell these puppies are cared for and treated the absolute best at Dan’s farm and knowing we have a very happy and healthy pup made this whole experience worth while! The professionalism from start to finish really makes this place and family great, especially with the constant updates and weekly pictures with us being so far away, really helped us in the process!

I hope the rest of you get your babies home soon and love them as much as we love our Rocky!

Mary C


Hi everyone. My name is Wes and we got two boy pups from Redbud and Samuel. We picked them up today since we are only an 80 minute drive to Dan’s farm. The dogs are wonderful. Healthy and happy. Playful, clean and beautiful. Our whole experience dealing with Dan was pleasant. Hopefully we’ve made a friend for life. I know you’ll all love your new babies. Ours are Charlie and Oscar.

Wes T.

From Illinois:

I would love to have your address so that my mom and I can send you the deposit! I’m so excited to pick out one of your gorgeous hounds! I’ve heard nothing but amazing things!


From Michigan:

Hi Dan:

Just wanted to update you on our puppy. Took him to the vet and she is quite impressed with the little fellow! He is doing great with our other basset. He has a great disposition, is socialized and learns rapidly. We are so pleased that we found your website. You mentioned that you’ve been raising bassets for a long time. It shows as you raise quality dogs. Thanks for all your tips and suggestions. Will keep in touch and let you know how things are going and will recommend you to anyone who is searching for a puppy!

Thanks again!

From IOWA:


It is hard to believe that it has been almost a year since we picked up our puppy. I thought I would share some pictures of “Eddy Joe” who was the green collar puppy from Flicka 7/20/2105 now that he is a year old. He is now grown up and has become a large part of our family. We unfortunately lost our big yellow lab to cancer in April which was difficult for Eddy a month or so.

By the way he is all boy and certainly ornery. One thing he did learn from our lab before he passed away was how to play fetch. Eddy is our 3rd basset and the only one that ever played fetch. In fact he will until your arm goes numb from throwing something.


Andrew S.

Amy N from Indiana: ( In memory of Lola – 2016)

Hi Dan,

It is with heavy, heavy heart that I write this. My husband doesn’t understand why I felt I needed to contact you but I felt I needed to. Our wonderful, sweet, adorable Lola died in a tragic accident this week. We have always had a pool and have always been incredibly careful but this one time the gate got left open and the rest is a horrible nightmare that I won’t soon get past.

I have had many pets over my 56 years but none, absolutely none wrapped around my heart like she did. I guess I am so grieving her that I felt I needed to let her whole family know. You were her first family and in spite of this horrible loss I am ever grateful that we met you and found our sweet girl. I guess I hoped that in some way it would help me if you knew and knew how much I loved her.

All of the pets I’ve lost in the past died of old age or of an illness after many years. I never dreamed of losing one just shy of her first birthday. She brought me more joy in her short life than I can describe. Losing my baby so tragically is unbelievably heart wrenching.

I hope you will understand why I needed to let you know.

I’m trying to remember only happy times but my heart aches for her. Our other dog really bonded with her and seems so lost.

Thanks for raising these pups who bring such joy to everyone they meet.

You don’t have to respond to this, I just needed to tell you.Our dear Lola was the best pup ever. She loved everyone and everyone who met her adored her. I have never been around a happier dog with any better disposition. That is what makes this so hard but also will eventually help us all heal as we remember all the joy she brought us and the many pictures and videos we have of her.

Amy N

Indiana, In October of 2015

Hi Dan,

I just had to update you about our Lola! She is an amazing pup!! She is now in her crate in the kitchen with the big dogs and sleeps from about 9-6 am! She NEVER messes in her crate! She loves my grandson Max as you can see above. They are constant play mates. Lola is doing remarkably well on her housebreaking! This is our best ever puppy experience and we love her to pieces! She is very social and visits my mother and her dog, my daughter’s dog and loves to go the the vet. We are so blessed to have found you and her!


From Michigan:

Good Evening,

Sunday evening puppy pictures were a real treat for us. We wanted to thank you by sending a few of Nelson at his new home.

He is so sweet! Only 1 accident! We noticed in your pictures that there was a carrying crate in with the pups, I think it helped in making Nelson be comfortable with his crate, he acts like its his place (which it is), thank you!

Thank you, we really appreciate all the work that you put into making Nelson a great puppy!

Heather and Kirk

From California:

Hi Dan,

Sunny is on a 2 week trip with us. He is doing great. Lola, our 10 year Basset has warmed up to him after a few day’s of adjustment. He has quite the personality already.

Tony & Maryjane
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