
Happy Basset Hound Owner Testimonials

Indiana Basset Hound Owner

Hi Dan,

It has been several months since we picked up our puppy. I wanted to again say thank you for all the fine work you put into your dog breeding business. My wife and I spent several weeks researching for a good Basset Hound breeder, from Wisconsin to Ohio and we decided to get a puppy from you based on the quality of your facilities, the quality of your adult males and females, how you treat the dogs and how they behave. All dogs were happy, well fed, healthy and well behaved. The indoor facilities (nursery) where the female dogs were caring for the new born puppies did not even smell!.

Attached is a picture of the boy we bought from you. The picture was taken on January 7th, the day of his birthday. His name is Chorizo and is registered as Chorizo Asturiano, which is a sausage from Asturias, the Spanish region where my wife is from. Dan, we have owned many pure breed dogs: Bichon Frise, Collies, Giant Schnauzers, Great Danes. Among all the dogs we have owned, our Basset Hound stands out as one of the most active, elegant, friendliest and healthiest. He is fantastic with kids and teenagers. And we are not surprised given how caring his mother (Darcy) was and how elegant his father looked as he ran through the fields. What can we say, we are so happy to have him and wanted you to know it.

Dan, we wish you continued success and a Happy New Year.

Ricardo R. V

One Of Our Happy Customers Just Placed A Puppy

Dan, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your call last night about our puppy. I knew 2 1/2 years ago that I wanted a basset hound and after talking with you at the time, I knew I wanted one from you. We really enjoyed meeting you and all of your dogs on Monday. It just reinforced that we had come to the right place. I love how laid back all of your dogs are which I’m sure is the result of good training. I especially appreciated their friendliness and the fact that they seem so happy to be members of the Sandy Hill “production team”.

Again, thank you so much. Happy New Year.

P.S. Remind me to ask you how you keep your troops from barking. That is truly impressive!


Reference from Jeff In North Dakota


Letting you know Ferris Drooler is doing just great. His arrival weight was 10.4 on the 18th of December. His weight as of the 9th is 16.8. Was advised by my vet service that his health is perfect. He got shots and vet was wondering if he was given kennel cough meds. Ut was checked on his forms, but no sticker, Will forward updated pictures shortly. WE CAN NOT BE HAPPIER!!!!

Thanks, Jeff

Reference from Kurt in Alaska


I just wanted to give you a quick update on the pup you sent to me. She is doing very well and has a great personality. She loves my 4 year old female chocolate lab and they play together all the time. she was hesitant on the snow here at first, but now she loves to go out and wander through the yard. We named her Remy about three weeks ago, and she is already learning her name. She is such a character and my family is completely in love with her. I attached a picture of her trying to get the lab up to play with her. I will send more pictures as we get some good outdoor ones when the season warms up.

sincerely, Kurt

Hi Dan,

Just wanted to tell you Charley is doing great! She’s had a great appetite today and has been very playful and just fitting in great with the family. We love her so much! Thank You

πŸ™‚ Sandy


Here are some more pictures of the little guy from the July 7th litter. He is a character. He makes everyone laugh. Everyone loves him. I thought you might like to see how big he has gotten.

Have a good day.


Hi Dan:

Just wanted to let you know we made it home just fine. The puppy did very well. We named him β€œJerry” . Our labrador, Katie, is doing very well with him. He already follows her up the ramp to our deck (still working on going down). Our vet was pretty impressed with him and said he was a very nice puppy. He weighs 6 pounds 14 ounces. Wish we could have spent a little more time visiting with you. You have a very nice place. Roger and I along with our vet will highly recommend you if we hear of someone looking for a basset. Thanks so much. We will keep in touch.


Female Basset Hound pup

Hello! Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how things were going with the female Basset Hound pup we purchased last summer. Her name is Roxie Jo Lynn and she was the daughter of Roxie. She has been trained to do all sorts of tricks. She has been house-trained from very early on. Besides being gorgeous in her coloration, etc. She is a fantastic companion for my two girls, 8 & 10. Excellent health from day one, as well. She is definitely a handful and takes a personality as big as hers to let her know who runs the place! But anyone willing to put in the time, patience, and love will be more than pleased with any of your beautiful Bassets! Thank you so much and much luck with your next group!

Warm Regards- Sandee, Steve, Carissa & Eva

Mr. Leman

I wanted to let you know that our baby Toby is as precious as can be. He is so smart. He has great problem resolution. Once he sets his sights on something he will figure out a way to get it or to get there. He is a very funny baby.

As you know he is 9 weeks old now and he is already going to the door and wining to go out. Now sometimes it is only to play w/his brothers but he seems to be getting the message.

We have taken him to the vet and of course all is well. Our vet asked how we keep getting such beautiful and well bred dogs, I explained where we got him from and he is amazed that we drove all the way from Mississippi to Indiana to get a puppy. I told him that there is no other breeder that I would even consider getting a dog from. He stated that he wished there were more breeders like you.

With Otis being 2 1/2 years old and now with Toby, the vet stated that he may have to make a trip to Indiana to get a pup.

Thank you again for breeding the perfect specimen.

The vet wants me to put Toby in the show ring. He stated that he is just that perfect.

If anyone ever needs to know what kind of pups you have please don’t hesitate to give them my name & number.

You are the best

Thank you again


Hi Dan

I just wanted to give you an update on Ellie Mae. She was a Tri-Color from your 3/06/06 litter last year.

My brother-in-law is a veterinarian and he was very impressed with Ellie.
He said that he does not see puppies with that many worming and he also said she was a very good looking
Basset. (By the way she did not have any worms)

I have had Ellie for 8 months now and I wanted to let you know that she is such a good, happy dog. She makes
me laugh all the time. I have been very fortunate that my next door neighbors come over every day and let her
out. In the summer she stays out in the yard for 2 or 3 hours and then they let her back in. She loves her crate, usually she goes in
her crate each night at about 9pm and when I go to bed I close the door. She has been house trained since the 1st of November and
has been off of puppy food for a few months. She is about 55lbs. Hopefully she will stay close to this weight.

Since she was 4 months old (when she had all her shots) she has gone to the dog park to play. Ellie loves the dog park.
She has the perfect personality ,very playful but if a dog seems aggressive she is submissive right away. She is very happy and never stops running for about 2 to 2 1/2 hours when she gets tired. She also goes to Camp Bow Wow (Doggie Day Care) every Wednesday were she plays all day. I watch her on a web cam. I go bowling
on Wednesday night so when I pick her up she goes home eats dinner and walks directly into her crate. She is out for the night.
She also goes to Dapper Dog every 2 or 3 weeks for a bath. She is still not fond of bath water but she is starting to calm down for the
girls there. Every thing went very smoothly with her. She is a very good dog. In the nicer weather we go for walks every night which
Ellie loves. We also have a 4 year old male Basset that lives on the block who comes down to play with her regularly. Needless
to say we are both happy. I am planning to take her to the Basset Waddle this year.

I have thought that I might want to purchase a male from you some time in the future. I am still
thinking about it.

Have a great day.
Thank you for my sweet little dog.


“Lexi” ( Pick of the litter!)

We adopted Lexi at the end of May in 2007. My husband and I had just bought a house and we were looking for a dog to complete our home and we decided we wanted a female Basset Hound. We called Sandyhill and there was one pup left , a female. We chanced the 1-1/2 hours one way trip and fell in love with our “Lexi” on the spot. We met all the dogs in their family and everyone was champion quality and the environment was perfect for the Basset breed. We have been so pleased with Lexi as a family pet that we decided to adopt again and we are awaiting the arrival of our newest addition “Lola” from Sandyhill. Thank you Dan!

Sincerely, Adrienne and

This satisfied Basset Hound owner from Sandyhill Basset Hounds.

Dan, Just wanted to give you a update on Bentley who we purchased from you in January, a red and white basset. This was the best thing I have ever done. I have never had a dog so loving and caring. Bentley is with me 24/7 and is a great companion for me. We go for walks and Bentley is so friendly with everyone he meets. He is to talk of my apartment complex. Bentley is totally house broken now and does very well when I do have to leave him alone. Loves to ride in the car and has just started to howl when he is excited. He was an excellent choice for apartment living. Looking forward in a year to purchase another one of your bassets.

Thank You again, Darcy

From Washington

Dan, I just wanted to say Hi. Bentlee is now 1 year old. He weighs 53 pounds and is beautiful. He is such a sweetheart, and wants to be a lap dog. He is well mannered and would not hurt a fly. I have been checking your website and have not seen any puppies. Are you still breeding? I sure hope so and I will want a puppy in the next year or so.

Thanks again, Tracy

From Michigan:

Dan, she is doing so good we just love her and enjoy her. Thank you. She is so sweet and very spoiled. It was a pleasure to meet you and if anyone I know wants a Basset I will definitely send them your way. All the best to you. πŸ˜‰

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