
Happy Basset Hound Owner Testimonials

From Texas


The entire vet’s office went berserk over the two puppies you shipped us Thursday. They took many pictures and are featuring them on the Vet’s web page.

The pups are too cute and too much fun.

You do a great job. I hope you breed dogs for years to come.

We will be back!

Best, Robert

Dan H. in Michigan


I hope you are doing well. I wanted to send you some pictures of our awesome puppy Murray. We love him to death and he is the star of the neighborhood.

Heather From Michigan:

Greetings Dan,

Thank you for allowing us so much time with our lovely little blue collared puppy today! Kirk and I may choose to name him Gary. We very much appreciated how thoughtful, informative and patient you were with us, as well as your willingness to answer questions and let us meet your dogs.

We were impressed by the level of care and the clean and professional, but at the same time warm and caring environment you provide for your animals. It makes us feel very confident that we have picked the right breeder.

I am also very thankful that you are taking the extra time to feed our little guy supplemental bottles. That really shows that you are willing to go above and beyond expectations to care for your puppies.

Thank you!

Blessings and Thanks Again!

Fran From Illinois:

Hi Dan,

I just wanted to take a minute and let you know that Elmer is doing great! He had a great vet checkup. No worms, of course, and the vet said he was a great looking puppy and a fine example of the breed. He said you were the kind of breeder he wished every pup he saw came from. He has fit right into my Grandson’s life. His little brother (7) and sister (4) love him to pieces. They play so hard together that sometimes Elmer puts himself in his crate for a nap. He has been house training like a pro. Dylan has been very conscientious about taking him out and he has done extremely well. My daughter and son-in-law have always had boxers and love that breed, so I was surprised when she told me that he was “just the perfect little guy”. Tonight they sent me a picture of him lying halfway out of his crate, fast asleep. He loves going for rides in Dylan’s Bronco, and he always greets you with lots of kisses. I will gladly recommend you to anyone that is looking for a Basset. We couldn’t be any happier with Elmer. Thank you again for all your communication and the pictures every week. It helped Dylan to be patient waiting for him. I received his papers in the mail earlier this week, thank you for sending them so promptly.

Fran R

Brenda Michigan:

Here is a copy of this year’s Christmas card. Hank is on the right. He was the runt from the 7/7/13 litter. Love him more and more every day.

Have nice holidays.

Brenda P F

From Illinois:

I thought you might like to see how Daisy has settled in with the Kinsey’s. We absolutely love her. She is beautiful and has a great personality. Thanks for breeding great bassets!walking through the woods and finding peacefulness at night.

Hi Dan!

Writing to report that in just 3 1/2 days, it is clear we have an award winning beautiful basset boy puppy from your farm again!

From the car ride home, we thought Lenny was special, but now we know for sure.

He immediately took to our 3 yr old basset, Seymour, watching his every move and falling right in line 🙂 They seem in love!

He hasn’t had an accident in the house, happy to report 🙂

He sleeps after only a few whimpers when put in the cage at bed time. Only wakes up once in the middle of the night, pees and goes right back to bed.

He plays beautifully. So alert and happy.

Eating perfectly.

First vet appt yesterday was an A+ report!!

Seems to good to be true!! We love him so much already and can’t wait to see him develop as a member of our family!!

Thank you so much once again! You do a beautiful job raising and socializing your puppies!!

Shari and family

From One Of Our Basset Hound Owners In New Orleans:

Hey Dan, I just wanted to let you know that she has arrived and is safe and sound!! Thank you so much for her, she’s gorgeous!

Basset Hound Owner From Michigan

Hello Dan,

I just wanted to let you know that we had a wonderful time today meeting you and bringing Henry home. He is doing so well. He is one of the sweetest puppies I have ever seen.

Also, I just love Mojo and the December female that you were keeping from him for future breeding. Please keep me updated on any puppies from him or any solid reds from Mojo. I just loved him and I would have bought the red female on the spot if you weren’t keeping her. If you ever decide to sell her, which I know you’re not, but I would take her in a heartbeat! 🙂 I just love her and can’t get over how sweet and beautiful she and her father are.

I look forward to seeing you again some day, and thank you again for my mother’s perfect puppy and for the wonderful work that you do. I am going to be adding you to our breeder board at my vet’s office. Every person that considers a basset should be coming to you.

(3 days later)

Took Henry into work at my vet’s office, and the doctors said he was perfectly bred and healthy. I already knew he was, but I wanted you to know that we have two veterinarians that said he was exceptionally well bred and healthy. 🙂

From Indiana:

Hi Dan,

Have been wanting to let you know how much we love our little boys! Rocky (red and white) and Ace (all brown) do EVERYTHING together and are getting along very well. Jon took some time off work at first in order to establish a routine and that helped a lot. We are now in our weekly work-and-weekend routine and the pups are growing like weeds. The vet says they are in fine shape – 13.4 and 12.4 pounds.

Just wanted you to know that we are a happy Basset family .

I have attached a pic.

Thanks so much and keep up the good work.

J & L

Hi Dan,

I wanted to send you pictures we had done professionally last weekend.

Hes doing great.

The gallery was not found!

Hi Dan,

We made it home safe with the pup! She slept most of the way. We named her Cinnamon!! She slept 4 hours last night in her crate with little to no fuss, went potty then slept 2 more hours. She has had no accidents…she is just a doll! Sleepy little thing!! Thanks so much.


Indiana Basset Hound Owner

Hi Dan,

It has been several months since we picked up our puppy. I wanted to again say thank you for all the fine work you put into your dog breeding business. My wife and I spent several weeks researching for a good Basset Hound breeder, from Wisconsin to Ohio and we decided to get a puppy from you based on the quality of your facilities, the quality of your adult males and females, how you treat the dogs and how they behave. All dogs were happy, well fed, healthy and well behaved. The indoor facilities (nursery) where the female dogs were caring for the new born puppies did not even smell!.

Attached is a picture of the boy we bought from you. The picture was taken on January 7th, the day of his birthday. His name is Chorizo and is registered as Chorizo Asturiano, which is a sausage from Asturias, the Spanish region where my wife is from. Dan, we have owned many pure breed dogs: Bichon Frise, Collies, Giant Schnauzers, Great Danes. Among all the dogs we have owned, our Basset Hound stands out as one of the most active, elegant, friendliest and healthiest. He is fantastic with kids and teenagers. And we are not surprised given how caring his mother (Darcy) was and how elegant his father looked as he ran through the fields. What can we say, we are so happy to have him and wanted you to know it.

Dan, we wish you continued success and a Happy New Year.

Ricardo R. V

One Of Our Happy Customers Just Placed A Puppy

Dan, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your call last night about our puppy. I knew 2 1/2 years ago that I wanted a basset hound and after talking with you at the time, I knew I wanted one from you. We really enjoyed meeting you and all of your dogs on Monday. It just reinforced that we had come to the right place. I love how laid back all of your dogs are which I’m sure is the result of good training. I especially appreciated their friendliness and the fact that they seem so happy to be members of the Sandy Hill “production team”.

Again, thank you so much. Happy New Year.

P.S. Remind me to ask you how you keep your troops from barking. That is truly impressive!


Reference from Jeff In North Dakota


Letting you know Ferris Drooler is doing just great. His arrival weight was 10.4 on the 18th of December. His weight as of the 9th is 16.8. Was advised by my vet service that his health is perfect. He got shots and vet was wondering if he was given kennel cough meds. Ut was checked on his forms, but no sticker, Will forward updated pictures shortly. WE CAN NOT BE HAPPIER!!!!

Thanks, Jeff
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