Hi Dan,
I am taking a moment because I just realized I never sent you a thank you email. I appreciate you working with my son and his girlfriend last year to get me my little black and brown pup. We ended up naming her Snoopy and boy does she keep me on my toes. She is a doll. I have four of your pups. Pearl (tri), Novah (lemon), Sam (tri) and Snoopy (black and brown). I will have to one day get a pic of them together and send it to you for your website. I can not believe that Pearl is going to be 8 this year. One day I will have to get me a chestnut colored one (maybe they are called reds?) I will probably think about it for next June when I turn 50. Some people jump from a plane. I get a new basset. LOL. I hope you are still breeding at that time because you still make the best basset hound puppies. They really are great dogs.
Thank you,