Hi Dan,
It is with heavy, heavy heart that I write this. My husband doesn’t understand why I felt I needed to contact you but I felt I needed to. Our wonderful, sweet, adorable Lola died in a tragic accident this week. We have always had a pool and have always been incredibly careful but this one time the gate got left open and the rest is a horrible nightmare that I won’t soon get past.
I have had many pets over my 56 years but none, absolutely none wrapped around my heart like she did. I guess I am so grieving her that I felt I needed to let her whole family know. You were her first family and in spite of this horrible loss I am ever grateful that we met you and found our sweet girl. I guess I hoped that in some way it would help me if you knew and knew how much I loved her.
All of the pets I’ve lost in the past died of old age or of an illness after many years. I never dreamed of losing one just shy of her first birthday. She brought me more joy in her short life than I can describe. Losing my baby so tragically is unbelievably heart wrenching.
I hope you will understand why I needed to let you know.
I’m trying to remember only happy times but my heart aches for her. Our other dog really bonded with her and seems so lost.
Thanks for raising these pups who bring such joy to everyone they meet.
You don’t have to respond to this, I just needed to tell you.Our dear Lola was the best pup ever. She loved everyone and everyone who met her adored her. I have never been around a happier dog with any better disposition. That is what makes this so hard but also will eventually help us all heal as we remember all the joy she brought us and the many pictures and videos we have of her.